Please note that most factories and vendors are closed during Lunar New Year (Jan 18 to Feb 7). If your orders involve custom items (e.g. custom cables which you can choose color/length), or product is sold-out, they will be shipped out after Feb 7 on a first-come, first-served basis.
Our office will be closed from Jan 27 to Feb 4. There will be limited support during these 7 working days.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you very much for your continued support!
We are serving 100,000+ customers from over 130 countries!
MODDIY has been specializing in manufacturing premium and custom computer cables and accessories for large corporations, computer enthusiasts, and gamers worldwide for over 13 years. Our cables and adapters are well-known for their best quality, top performance, reliability, and durability. Leading brands trust us with their mission-critical and AI projects. We also offer custom solutions and tailor-made cables for special projects.